I’ve been working on the small business aspects of Sunset Cat Designs — DBA filed, stuff for publishing the notice for that faxed in, etc — as well as working on this site via Dreamhost & WordPress. Although I played a lot with my blogger template I’m learning a lot more about CSS etc now.
I’m debating between getting started with ads on Ravelry and selling directly through my website vs starting up on Etsy. I’m still considering putting together a package of samples, info etc and trying to sell through more LYS in Los Angeles.
So far I’ve sold one set of markers through Twist and two sets at my local SnB.
It seems the only knitting I’m getting done is when I’m at SnB (the South Bay group meets at Catalina Coffee in Redondo Beach, Thurs 6p to ?). At least I get a good couple hours of knitting done, though it’s on my easier projects (Pleated Scarf, Eyelet Cardi).