Nearly done with Jack….for those of you who follow me on Twitter, I’ve come up with my favorite solution for the saddle straps.

Tarte, as mentioned before, is live.  If you’d like to see the vest in person, and are going to Stitches East, visit the Black Water Abbey booth.

Testing is ongoing for Beachcomber as I get it ready for self publication.  Check out the thread in the group if you’d like to join.

I have two fingerless mitts patterns to work on in November (work begins as soon as Jack is blocking — stitch patterns are already chosen);  one is for Knitcircus, and will be in the Faded Quilt colorway of Shelter.  The other for Ennea Collective — in handspun specifically done for the pattern (not by me, my spinning is atrocious).  I’ve very excited by the both of these!

I have to work on a pattern for Sustainable Fibers.  They have a lot of mohair blend, in a lovely charcoal, and they would like a pattern other than a shawl or stole.  I’m thinking a cami with lacy layers, the mohair layered over something deliciously soft for next to skin.

We decided to go monthly with the AKD newsletter, so I’ll be working on that this weekend.  I also have some tech edits to do.  I’m also thrilled to be coming on board with Knitcircus in a technical capacity!  I’m helping with proofing the patterns for the upcoming winter issue, and will be assisting Ada with the tech editing beginning with the spring issue.

I’m updating the All You Need Is pattern in my current pattern format.  I’m trying to do that with all my older patterns.  I’m still hoping to do an ebook with some of these patterns.

Look for an interview with Patti from Sweet Grass Wool in the next week or so.  We had a great talk the other day about fiber festivals, Targhee fiber, and more.



*DIPs= designs in progress.  Yes, I made that up.