by StephCat | Jul 28, 2007 | Food & Wine, House
I’ve cleaning up some of the documents on my laptop and found the list of recipes for our housewarming party. We kept to a Spanish theme, serving some Spanish red and white wines, several types of cheese, bread, olives etc, as well as a selection of warm tapas....
by StephCat | Jun 25, 2007 | House
I love my old house. I really do. But we have to return two of the three ceiling fans. My lovely, lovely (albeit non period) Casablanca ceiling fans. Because of basically old house issues. The electrician installed one in the cats’ room — it has 3 steel...
by StephCat | Jun 22, 2007 | Food & Wine, House, Yard & Garden
I’ve contacted a company who makes old-fashioned wood screens about making screens for our windows, as well as a company who restores old windows as well as custom building windows in the same style. The window person is coming out this Monday to do an estimate....
by StephCat | Jun 1, 2007 | House, Yard & Garden
No, really. Our compost worms (red wigglers) arrived yesterday and we’re going to set up their bin this weekend. Their instructions said we could keep them in the fridge for a few days before moving them into their new home. Still haven’t made cheese yet...
by StephCat | Mar 18, 2007 | House
I found two antique towel rods on eBay for our bathroom from a wonderful seller. They are thick glass, slightly tinted by age, with very heavy supports/holders. They came from the Divine Lorraine Hotel in Philadelphia.
by StephCat | Jan 23, 2007 | House, Yard & Garden
Things in our house that are environmentally good choices: Compact fluorescent bulbs 90% One TV ~930 sq feet for the two of us Recent furniture purchases: antiques from Craig’s List (bookcase, dining table, chairs, antique stove, Hoosier cabinet), garage sale...