Not surprised, just disappointed….

…in the news I got from Richard regarding the Mills Act. Apparently the City Council is dead set against the whole idea of the Mills Act. They don’t want to lose any tax revenues, and fear that, once one house gets ok’d, EVERYONE is going to take...

Mills Act

Last week I contacted Richard from the City of Hermosa Beach regarding the Mills Act. The Mills Act (related info here, here, and here) is a piece of legislature designed to promote the preservation of historical buildings/architecture including homes. Homeowners...

Coffee Stories

Regarding coffee: for the longest time we’ve simply used a french press for our coffee. Easy, fast, really tasty if you want a thick strong brew. It required (in my mind) the purchase of a good quality grinder — I bought a Gaggia MDF off Amazon, and,...

$12k later….

…the roof is done. The nice thing about coastal California is that there aren’t too many nasty bugs. A bly once in a while gets in the house. Maybe a line of little ants, trekking who knows where. Nary a cockroach. The bad thing is we do get one bug in...

Holiday knitting, housewarming, roof repair

My holiday knitting is coming along; between the new house, work, and now sickness (whatever bug is going around), it’s been hectic, but since my goals are not so lofty this year, I should be able to meet them. We had our housewarming party last weekend. Rigel...

House pics

Ocean view from our deck ‘New’ dining room set, off of Craig’s List Blue table