by StephCat | Apr 8, 2006 | Travel, Triathlon
We’re leaving for Fiji tonight so no updates til at least the 18th. Last week was an okay one for training, including a spin class, two runs (one a hill workout, in the very blustery wind and miserable rain (remember, this is Southern California!!! I’m not...
by StephCat | Apr 2, 2006 | Triathlon
I’ve had some kick-ass workouts this past week. Don’t know if I’ll really be ready for Wildflower but I’m making a valiant try of it. Last Wednesday? Mel and I had a really good run, 4+ miles, where we really picked up the pace on our intervals...
by StephCat | Mar 28, 2006 | Triathlon
Just a short report, longer to follow! The race started as a tri but ended up being a du — the swim got cancelled due to the wicked longshore current. Instead, we got to run 1/4 mile thru knee high to waist high surf. No kidding. You know how triathlon is all...
by StephCat | Mar 21, 2006 | Triathlon
Dave and I did the LA Bike Tour Sunday morning. Early Sunday morning. REALLY early. And only in LA can you have traffic jams while bicycling. Ah well. It was overall a fun experience, as long as we didn’t let ourselves get stressed out about the crowds, and got...
by StephCat | Mar 15, 2006 | Travel, Triathlon
I did the LA Tri Club “Ocean 101” this a.m. — just to get a few refresher tips on reading the waves etc. And to get myself into the (ice-cream-headache-provoking) frigid (53?) water. It wasn’t nearly as cold as I feared. In fact, I truly...
by StephCat | Mar 6, 2006 | Triathlon
We flaked Saturday a.m. — didn’t do ANY of the races. However, Sunday, we did a nice 50+min bike ride followed by a short 25min run. As per normal I was tired (but in a good way) the rest of the day. It’s the first real brick workout I’ve done...