by StephCat | Dec 30, 2005 | Travel, Triathlon
Not much new on the tri front. We were able to get in one run in Texas on the 24th (calves killing me) by Town Lake in Austin (leaving from RunTex, an awesome running store, and doing a 3 mile there and back along the trail). My mom does a weekly walk on Saturdays...
by StephCat | Dec 18, 2005 | SCUBA, Travel, Triathlon
Vacation. Not Christmas vacation, of which 3 days will be spent with my parents outside Austin, TX, and 3 days with my in-laws in Geneva, IL; but SPRING BREAK. We’re trying to decide what to do for spring break. Options include a dive trip to the Caymans...
by StephCat | Dec 16, 2005 | Triathlon
Case in point: I won carbon-fiber Profile clip-on aerobars at a LA Tri Club 1st Thursday social event (the first 1st Thursday I’ve ever been to). I wrote a haiku and won a free entry to the Hemet Tinsel Tri after I thought my 2005 tri season was already over....
by StephCat | Dec 14, 2005 | Triathlon
Workouts so far this week: Monday: off (I know, great start, but I did do the sprint tri Sunday) Tuesday: ran with Dave (short but hard, especially at the end): short loop (Greenbelt to 190th to Strand & up Pier and back to the car) Wednesday: lifted (Hammer bench...
by StephCat | Dec 14, 2005 | Triathlon
The Hemet Tinsel Tri was the first tri for which I’ve had absolutely no pre-race jitters — most likely because I knew I wasn’t going to get the shit pounded out of me in the surf. Hah! there was no surf. The swim was a measly 100m in a heated,...
by StephCat | Dec 4, 2005 | Triathlon
So I’m adding it up in my head, just estimates for times for all three legs of Wildflower, and I’m thinking, wow, 4 hrs at least. (And again, we’re talking Oly, not long, course.) I don’t want to be out there that long. I’m sure...