by StephCat | Jun 13, 2007 | Triathlon
Mon slow run 1:10 swim 1700 yds Tues rest Wed bike 57 min including hill repeats. Was supposed to ride longer but I overestimated how long the hill repeats would truly take. Thurs planned: 50 min zone 3 run including 5x2min hill repeats in zone 3/4. Actual 55:46/ 4...
by StephCat | Jun 12, 2007 | Triathlon
On my own again….the coaching thing didn’t work out as well as planned, though I did get a tremendous amount of help from it. Mel has the Half Vineman training schedule and I’m going to pick up at the appropriate week on that — it should mesh...
by StephCat | May 30, 2007 | Triathlon
Here’s a summary of my workouts! March 07 Bike 60.2 mi hiking 7.6 mi Run 25.0 mi Swim 3750.0 yd April 07 Bike 94.3 mi hiking 19.4 mi Run 18.1 mi Swim 5580.0 yd May 07 to date Bike 156.1 mi Run 32.7 mi Swim 11230.4...
by StephCat | May 28, 2007 | Triathlon
Training distance and time is increasing — it’s becoming more of a crunch to get all the workouts done. Also, I’m still overbooking myself at work, which is, of course, still interfering with training.
by StephCat | May 13, 2007 | Triathlon
I’m typing this as we watch the Survivor Fiji finale, so, we’ll see how focused I am between cheering for Yau Man. I really want him to win! Wildflower Oly I felt more prepared this year for Wildflower than last year. Didn’t matter. Yes, I did do...
by StephCat | Apr 29, 2007 | Triathlon
…and into the clear cold water! First ocean swim of the season at Veteran’s Park in Redondo Beach, just two short 1/4 mile repeats in clear green (in a nice way) 60 degree water. And dolphins! though they stayed away from us.