Two weeks to Wildflower

I’ve been posting my workouts on and have thus been neglecting this blog. Wildflower in two weeks! I feel both better prepared than last year but maybe not as prepared as I’d like to be. Since I’ve had my coach I’ve been much...


This has been a good week so far! I’m still happy about the PR, my workouts have been going fine, and I’ve finally broken my weight plateau and dropped another 2 lbs. My coach is having me log my workouts at WorkOutLog; I’ve decided to make my log...

5k PR!

We did the St Patrick’s Day 5k yesterday, and I PR’d! My watch time (hit the start button as I went over the start line) was 32:45. I took two 1 minute walk breaks at approximately mile 1 and mile 2. I finished 20th out of I think 80 in my age group...

Coach & edited season plan

After *not* making up my own training schedule (basically getting hopelessly confused and feeling over my head) I did decide to get an online coach. I chose Kelly at TriDivas. On her advice I cut out a lot of the races. More later.

Redondo Superbowl 10k

It was (relatively) hot last weekend. I do poorly in the heat. The Redondo Superbowl 10k is actually a decent course, set on roads that we bike on a lot and occasionally run on (seems we generally head north towards Manhattan Beach rather than south towards Redondo...

The rest of the week….

…has gone better. Mel and I went for a short run Tuesday morning, after which I immediately went to the gym and lifted full body. Today I ran (by myself!) before work and lifted (full body again) and did 25 minutes of elliptical machine at the gym at lunch....