Back in the Saddle Again — Sort of

Dave and I went for a short but hilly ride today, from our house to & around the PV golf course and back. Tired, grumpy, and just wanting to get home as directly as I could, I foolishly decided to brave 190th Street, rather than snake around through some other...

Carlsbad Half

Good news: I PR’d. Bad news: My achilles tendon (left) and knees (especially right) slowed me down to a walk the last couple miles. Today, my achilles tendons (yes, both) are twinging only a little (but I’ve not tried to do anything more than walk)....

Musing on the Tattoos

Very few people really know who I am in LA Tri Club. I mean, I’m fairly friendly, I always chat with people I’ve seen before, cheer on others in the uniform (Go LA!), help out/volunteer occasionally, etc. I’ve won some pretty cool stuff (carbon fiber...

Excuse for not swimming!

This time it’s on my upper left arm. Pat Fish of Lucky Fish designed and inked it. Isn’t it gorgeous??? I love my kitties but this puts them to shame almost. No swimming til it’s healed — not that I’ve been swimming anyway. Feb 12th...

Training plans

I’m trying to figure out a training plan for the year. Has anyone used Friel’s book and wants to comment? I want to be a little more focused, less haphazard. I found the training schedule templates online here (thanks! saved me from writing them up...


Well, yesterday I got a reminder why basic nutrition is critical. Friday night I just wasn’t hungry. Skipped dinner. Early Saturday morning I ate little for breakfast. Then we tried to go do a nice, slow long run late morning. The goal was 8 miles. Total bonk....