Home again

Back in Los Angeles! I worked out at the gym near Dave’s parents’ house twice (Precor/elliptical, short swim, weight lifting), and, most amazingly, didn’t gain weight over the holidays (yet; Mel’s having her big New Year’s Eve bash...

training, sick, vacation, planned races…..

Way too long in between updates. Over the last month training has been so-so, simply because I was sick for about two weeks. Dave and I went running twice this past week, the first times for me since getting sick. I felt pretty good. Since we’ve been trying to...

Solvang, Turkey Trot

The Solvang ride didn’t go so well for me. (The wine tasting etc was wonderful though.) The Turkey Trot did — about 8 min faster than last year. Yay! Training for the Carlsbad Half is going okay — I’m obviously getting faster. Sorry so short,...

Planning for next year?

Long run this a.m. — only 6 miles but Dave and I did intervals yesterday and I was wiped. We’re loosely following the half marathon training program Your Better Half at Runner’s World. I had an awesome, ‘why can’t I run like this in a...

Manhattan Beach 10k

We did the Manhattan Beach 10k this year. My time was 1:13:56 clock, about 20-30 sec faster (off the top of my head) by my watch. I’m pleased overall. My right knee started aching the last mile. I’ve not yet downloaded the Polar data; it’ll be...


Well, our house was in escrow, then it wasn’t (buyers backed out), now it will be again Monday (new buyers). That’s my excuse for being negligent re: blogging. That said, I cut almost 20 min off my time from Malibu last year — awesome! I’m...